E-böcker - LibGuides - Lunds universitet


Bibliotek Malmö universitet

At the same time, we are also one of the newest additions to the 350-year history of the University, which was founded in 1961 and became part of Lund University from 1969. Today, we are the third largest higher education and research institution in the country. LUBcat är den gemensamma bibliotekskatalogen för alla bibliotek inom Lunds universitet. I LUBcat hittar du tryckt material, så som böcker och tidskrifter, och e-böcker, som biblioteken inom Lunds universitet har.

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To read more about how to search for and find databases, consult the page on Databases A–Z in our LibGuide: LibGuide LUBsearch and electronic resources Direct link to Databases A–Z The aim of the investigation was to collect data from actual users to study the use and usability of LUBsearch. We wanted to find out how different groups of users use the system (e.g. students and researchers) and also to study the system from a usability perspective.The aim was to produce a result which could form the basis for developing the system, focusing mainly on aspects which we can Via the entry point ePublications you can find all electronic journals and books which you have access to via the libraries at Lund University. From outside the University campus, log in via your student or Lucat account. To read more about how to search for and find electronic resources, consult our LibGuide: LUBsearch and electronic resources Direct link to ePublications LUBsearch The collective entry point to all the Lund University libraries’ resources. Research portal Search information about LU researchers, research projects, publications etc.

ePublications Lund University Libraries

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LUBsearch Biblioteken vid Lunds universitet

Lubsearch lund university

Lund University Box 117, 221 00 LUND Telephone (switchboard): LUCSUS, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies Psykologi, Institutionen för Rättssociologiska Institutionen Service management och tjänstevetenskap, Institutionen för Socialhögskolan Sociologiska institutionen Statsvetenskapliga institutionen Lund University School of Economics and Management. Search. Meny.

Research portal Search information about LU researchers, research projects, publications etc. Databases A-Z Databases for you affiliated with LUBsearch är en gemensam ingång till bibliotekens samlade resurser. Genom en enda sökruta hittar du bland annat artiklar, tidskrifter, avhandlingar och böcker. Du kan söka fritt. Är du utanför campus loggar du in med ditt studentkonto eller LU-konto för att komma åt fulltexterna. Våra ämnesspecifika databaser hittar du via Databaser A-Z. En samlad ingång till våra e-tidskrifter LUBcat is Lund University's library catalogue and contains books, both printed and electronic, journals, reports and doctoral theses.
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LUBsearch – the University's search engine for electronic publications and databases; Software you need for your studies; Worldwide access to the University’s computer network through a virtual private network (VPN) Termination of student accounts. Your student account will be deleted shortly after you complete your studies at Lund University. This resource is partly or fully indexed in LUBsearch: Lund University students and employees only, login with student account/LUCAT is required. About LUBsearch & Electronic Resources As a student or employee at Lund University you have access to one of the most extensive digital libraries in Sweden.

HT-biblioteken består av tre bibliotek: Asienbiblioteket, LUX-biblioteket och SOL-biblioteket. LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries’ joint resources.
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LUBsearch from home - LibGuides - Lunds universitet

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Sitter man inom LU:s nätverk visas Full Text Finder automatiskt. För att länkarna ska visas utanför universitets nätverk måste man gå in under Inställningar och under Bibliotekslänkar söka fram Lund University Library - LU Full Text Finder och bocka i rutan. About LUBsearch & Electronic Resources As a student or employee at Lund University you have access to one of the most extensive digital libraries in Sweden. Our electronic recources are available through the discovery system LUBsearch. Lund University has access to scientific databases and platforms which you find in Databases A–Z. You can browse the databases either alphabethically or by subject. Search LUBsearch Databases A–Z ePublications.